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MCQ Question

Category: 3. The Pronoun

Practice Exam

1. He killed himself. Here 'himself is-
2. The more hemoglobin one has, the more oxygen is carried to_cells.
3. A substituting word is called a _
4. Choose the correct sentence:
5. Identify the correct parts of speech of the underlined word in the sentence. Which ever of the three sisters you choose to marry, you will have a good wife.
6. There is really too difference between you and _
7. Didn't you know that it who played the joke?
8. I wish I were_.
9. Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own research paper for this semester
10. Let_go there.
11. The pronoun is agreed with its antecedent in
12. Any, Anyone, Some, Someone, are-
13. Everyone knew the poet the students had invited to speak at the literary club.
14. He is taller than.
15. My father never approved of_ a foreigner
16. Which is the correct sentence?
17. No article is used before_
18. Which of the following has not used relative pronoun ?
19. Have you met the boy father is a Major in the army.
20. The registrar has requested that each student and teacher sign their names on the grade sheet before submitting it.