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MCQ Question

Category: 3. The renaissance period

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1. রেনেসাঁ হলো -
2. Every Man in His Humour' is the best work of -
3. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse
4. A fishing visit' means -
5. Students think for a bit before answering. Here 'A bit' means -
6. "Choose the line which follows the line" and if these pleasures may thee move in "The passionate Shepherd to his love".
7. A cock and bull story' means -
8. "Fraility, thy name is women" is a famous dialogue from -
9. Which book is a Tragedy?
10. A fish out of water' means -
11. European Renaissance refers to -
12. William Shakespeare authored -
13. For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love.' This line is written by -
14. Who, among the following playwrights, is Shakespeare's con temporary?
15. Which of the following is not true about Shakespeare?
16. William Shakespeare is a great -
17. Cowards die ___ before death.
18. Who is an essayist?
19. Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' is a -
20. Burning question' means -