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MCQ Question

Category: 4. The Verb

Practice Exam

1. Which one bears the meaning 'happen to meet '
2. Which one is the correct past participle of the word 'smell' ?
3. When the war broke _ my father joined the army .
4. "publish" can be stated as _
5. The princess _down and slept for twenty years
6. Which is the past from of 'buy'
7. The present rom of the verb 'Besought' is-
8. He abides _ me .
9. Am ,is , are ,was ,were ,has ,shall & will কোন প্রকার verb ?
10. Fire burns .What kind of verb 'burn ' is ?
11. She seemed _and ill at ease ,and bent her head
12. They have called _ a strike
13. You must cut _your expenditure
14. To err is human .What is the underlined part called ?
15. And what about school friends ? asked minu , _back to Ali
16. The word 'idolize' is-
17. Differentiate is -
18. The word 'sympathize' is _
19. I shall call you on Friday .Here 'call' is widely used as
20. I hope you can account for the time you were out doors .The meaning of the words in bold face is -